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BioEnergetic Intolerance Elimination 

Cells are like trillions of batteries that comprise the human body.  Vital life force (Bioenergy) is what fills every one of these cells with energy and controls the metabolic process, including the biochemical changes that occur within the cells themselves.  It controls not only the assimilation of nutritional substances, it also controls the functioning of all of the body’s systems, including the immune system.  This vital life force energy is referred to as the software of the body.


BIE assists the body’s software, allowing it to recognize anything that is causing a health disorder.  Using a non-invasive patented modality, energy is directed onto specific acupressure points on the body which reintroduces the stressor’s vibrational frequency.  Once the body can recognize that frequency again, it will then return to acting and reacting in a balanced state of health, thereby alleviating suffering.  Just like when we restart or reboot our computer when it is acting strangely due to an energy block or miscommunication, BIE works similarly. 

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Every substance that exists has its own specific energetic frequency.  When your body is imbalanced, it may not recognize the energy frequencies of various substances.  This ultimately causes stress on the body.  The more exposure we have to stressing energies from foods, electromagnetic fields, radiations, pollens, dander, chemicals, etc., the more we store these stressing energies in our cells, which leads to homeostatic imbalance.  This leads to a multitude of health conditions, including allergic reactions.  These discordant energies are referred to as stressors.

Click on the FAQ below to find out more:

What can BIE help with?

What is homeostasis?

What is biofeedback analysis?

How do we recreate balance?

How many sessions will I need?

Are there any side effects?

How long does homeostasis last?

If you have any other questions or are wondering if BIE is right for you, contact me!

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